Monday, August 22, 2011

A Little Excessive?

So my soap box blog post about everything in excess begins with school supply shopping. We get to superstore X and get our cart in gear and ready for the race to get all things SCHOOL! And we're off...back pack, notebooks, pencil holder, wide tip markers, fine tip markers, crayons (24 not 48), pens of red and pens of black, highlighters, pearl erasers, pocket folders and notebooks in red, yellow, purple and blue and then 48 PENCILS! Who in the hell needs 48 pencils? I am not sure God could find use for 48 brand new pencils in just nine short months that include holiday breaks and miscelaneous days off. That's like a new pencil every third or fourth day. It's not only that they need  48 PENCILS but they must be sharpened and God help you if you don't have access to an electric about carpal tunnel!

Come to think of it I am quite certain that out of all of those pencils not a single, solitary pencil has come home in the spring! Where do they all go? Do they eat them? Do they throw them away when they are only half used? Where are the pencils? 48 pencils is a lot of gosh darn pencils! We won't even get into the fact that Superstore X has eight billion wide ruled, spiral notebooks of all colors EXCEPT yellow which is on the local school supply list which is posted in said superstore!

Let's talk about socks and now we are out of the school supply section armed with Elmer's white glue and ten thousand glue sticks incase the old standard Elmers isn't going to cut it and our fiskars scissors (in case the generic brand doesn't cut the same).
We move on to find some general items for all the kids where we find that really only one kid needs new socks and one kid needs new underwear but in case your entire family and some of the neighbor kids need some they come in packs of 7,000. I'm just sayin' can't ever have too many socks and cotton underpants according to superstore X's packaging strategies.

Well, it's short but sweet because I have to get moving so I can sharpen all those penils so God help them, the children won't be sent home or held back a year because they came with only 47 sharpened no.2 pencils. Whew! I have a lot of work to do!

Happy School Year!

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain. EACH of my 1st graders needs FOUR BOXES OF 24 COUNT CRAYONS. What the heck they will be doing with 96 crayons each I have no idea. But I get to buy 8 boxes total. And of course sharpen 30 pencils for each, too. Wow, 48?! I thought 30 was excessive.


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